
The Duality of Human Nature

In Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the concept of man having two different personalities shown to symbolize the power of science and technology and what it could do to human. Eventhough it is true that human can be into this kind of position, it doesn't mean that there is no harm to it. According to this novel, the chemical reaction towards Mr. Hyde was deeply insane when he is the one who created it and he couldn't control it and commits crime.

This is strictly go against the religion when something that is good have been misused by mankind. Science and technology are made to discover what God has created but not disrupt it. It is true that some people have two different personalities but if it leads to wrong doings or beyond sane, therefore, it is wrong to act it.

Based on our self-reflection on The Duality of Human Nature, we had the chance to discuss this theme that is related to our personality and characteristics. It is true that every human being have two personalities and does have their dark sides. However, we figured that this dark side of every human being can only be seen once in a while. This theme taught us to acknowledge this discovery and made us conscious in who we are.


This novel of Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde brings a traumatic catastrophe where readers felt the violence portrayed by the author. Dr. Jekyll reacted in total insane when the chemical react to his body in order to satisfy his free will to commit such an awful crime. 

In Islamic perspective, violence is a serious offence as it is against human rights and Islamic teachings. Violence is an act like an animal and cannot be compared to human who has an incredible sanity created by God. In other words, violence is strictly forbidden by Islam.

Violence seems to be an issue since the early age where man used to use violence in order to defend themselves. As time goes by, violence is used wrongly when it interrelates with power. We as a group thought about this and we see that violence do not lead to justice most of the time. We realize that violence is a cruel act that only those who does not have enough patience (iman) would commit and finally, regret for what they did.

The Female

Since the ancient times, in both east and west, women have been treated as a weak species whereby they were treated differently by men. In Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, women are seen as weak and useless. They were believed to be the species that can't afford to do men's daily routines. In this novel, it shows the reflection of the Victorian era how women were treated and how they were seen by the society. 

However, according to Islamic approach in this subject, there are no differences between men and women and all are treated equally. To treat such beings in an unfair way would not bring any benefit to the society, in fact, it would lead to a downfall towards the development of civilization.

Our self-reflection towards this issue of female inequality and unjust treatment made us feel pity for those who are experiencing it.We appreciate that the country that we are living in do not practice such treatment and inequality to its society. We acknowledge the system as well as the leaders that fought for our independence that made this country peaceful and harmony. Comparing it to other poor countries who could not feel such pleasure, we are proud to be Malay and Malaysian.